Below is the quick step by step guide to get started (sort of Hello World example)
- Install NPM (that comes with Node.js)
- Install Visual Studio 2017 or later or Download .NET Core 2.2 along with Visual Studio Code.
- Create the new folder for the project, and in Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017 navigate to the folder and run the below command to create a new component project
pac pcf init
– -namespace <namespace for the component>
– -name <name of the component>
– -template <component type>
It adds the following files in the folder.
- Next run npm install command to install the project dependencies.
- Open the ControlManifest.Input.xml file created inside the folder created with the control’s name.
- Here we have opened it in Visual Studio Code, for this simple example purpose let us not change the default values.
- Open the index.ts which wherein we’d be writing code for our custom control
- Add the following line of code to add a label control that will display that GUID of the record.
- Run npm run build command to build the control
- To test the control run npm start command
*Use ctrl + c è to terminate the job.
- Create a new folder to hold the solution
- Run the below command to define the publisher name and prefix and initialize the solution files creation
pac solution init --publisher-name [publisher name] --publisher-prefix [publisher prefix]
pac solution init --publisher-name PCFControls --publisher-prefix tst
- Run the below command to add reference to our custom control in the solution
pac solution add-reference – -path [path to pcfproj file]
i.e. reference of the below path.
- This creates the file with extension cdsproj
- To generate Zip File run the below command in the Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio 2017
- MSBUILD /t:restore
- This adds the Solution zip in the bin Debug folder.
- To get both managed and unmanaged solution, update the cdsproj file
- We can see both managed and unmanaged solution created.
- Import the solution in Dynamics 365 CE and open any of the entity’s form. Here we have created a new text field named GUID in the Contact form and have set our custom control for that field.
For reference à
- After publishing the changes, we can see the GUID being displayed in the form.
- To update the control, change the version for it in the ControlManifest.Input.xml
Followed by
- npm run build
- msbuild
- Importing the new solution file generated
In a nutshell below are the high-level steps à
1. Install npm
2. Install PowerApps CLI
3. Install Visual Studio 2017 or later
4. Create a new folder for the project.
5. Navigate to the folder in Developer Command Prompt and run the following command to create the component project
6. Install the project dependencies using below command
7. Update ControlManifest.Input.xml
8. Update index.ts
9. Build the project
10. Use the below command to test the component
11. Create a folder for holding the solution zip and related files. Navigate to that folder and run the below command.
12. Add reference of the custom component in the solution
13. To create the Solution Zip File
14. Import the solution file and use it inside Dynamics 365 CE.
lastly – Don’t forget to check the wonderful PCF Gallery
Hope it helps..