Log on as a service rights
To establish Log on as a service rights for a service user account:
- Open the Local Security Policy editor by running secpol.msc.
- Expand the Local Policies node and select User Rights Assignment.
- Open the Log on as a service policy.
- Select Add User or Group.
- Provide the object name (user account) using either of the following approaches:
- Type the user account (
) in the object name field and select OK to add the user to the policy. - Select Advanced. Select Find Now. Select the user account from the list. Select OK. Select OK again to add the user to the policy.
- Type the user account (
- Select OK or Apply to accept the changes.
Create and manage the Windows Service
Create a service
Use PowerShell commands to register a service. From an administrative PowerShell 6 command shell, execute the following commands:
$acl = Get-Acl "{EXE PATH}"
$aclRuleArgs = {DOMAIN OR COMPUTER NAME\USER}, "Read,Write,ReadAndExecute", "ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow"
$accessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($aclRuleArgs)
$acl | Set-Acl "{EXE PATH}"
New-Service -Name {SERVICE NAME} -BinaryPathName {EXE FILE PATH} -Credential {DOMAIN OR COMPUTER NAME\USER} -Description "{DESCRIPTION}" -DisplayName "{DISPLAY NAME}" -StartupType Automatic
– Path to the app's folder on the host (for example,d:\myservice
). Don't include the app's executable in the path. A trailing slash isn't required.{DOMAIN OR COMPUTER NAME\USER}
– Service user account (for example,Contoso\ServiceUser
– Service name (for example,MyService
– The app's executable path (for example,d:\myservice\myservice.exe
). Include the executable's file name with extension.{DESCRIPTION}
– Service description (for example,My sample service
– Service display name (for example,My Service
Start a service
Start a service with the following PowerShell 6 command:
Start-Service -Name {SERVICE NAME}
The command takes a few seconds to start the service.
Determine a service's status
To check the status of a service, use the following PowerShell 6 command:
Get-Service -Name {SERVICE NAME}
The status is reported as one of the following values:
Stop a service
Stop a service with the following Powershell 6 command:
Stop-Service -Name {SERVICE NAME}
Remove a service
After a short delay to stop a service, remove a service with the following Powershell 6 command:
Remove-Service -Name {SERVICE NAME}
sc.exe delete {SERVICE NAME}